About Me

I enjoy hiking, fishing, and camping with my pup on the weekends. I love being a developer but I find it refreshing to unplug when I can. After work you can find me at the boxing gym, learning a new skill, or on the couch with the pup.

Some of the technologies that I like to use include .NET, Blazor, Bootstrap, Azure, and Docker. I've built internal toolings and interfaces, public facing websites, web APIs, and windows services. The thing I enjoy most about being a software engineer is the opportunity to learn new things with the ever-changing world of technology.

"The best way to learn is to teach."

- Frank Oppenheimer

Following Up

If you want to look at some of the implementations of the technologies I listed above, the source code is available on my github for this website. I've used Blazor as the framework to build this site and Azure for the hosting.

If you want to stay up to date with articles and tutorials on some of these technologies, sign up here to receive alerts on new posting. I'll never spam you or sell your information to anyone and you can unscubscribe at any time.

If you are looking to work with me, fill out the contact card below or reach out to me on linkeden. You can also dowload a copy of my resume by clicking here.

Get in Touch

Want to work with me? Send me a message and I'll reach out to you shortly!

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